Wednesday, October 30, 2019

English Language - Business Writing ( memmo and informal reports ) Essay

English Language - Business Writing ( memmo and informal reports ) - Essay Example ch allow readers to validate where the information stems from as well as to provide readers with the ability to personally investigate information† (Bolt, 2007). In the workplace, weblogs can allow the company to gain a deeper understanding of what â€Å"clients actually want, need and will pay money for† (Innovation Creators, 2007). This article on ‘How to use Blogs in the Workplace’ states the opportunity for personal motivation and focused business communication amongst the uses for weblogs besides public relations and marketing. When used to facilitate focused business communication, weblogs can be effectively used â€Å"as a platform to help people withing your company communicate about what they are doing for work† (ibid). Not many CEO’s use blogging mainly for reasons of time and the fact that it is more likely to be under scrutiny by employees (Jeremiah, 2007). However, if used carefully, it is quite simply an easy and powerful means of communicating. In fact, weblogs are a mass communications channel for company information, public relations as well as internal communications. And, the medium of technology makes the whole process of blogging easier. Through the Internet it is easy to reach a huge global audience not limited to the company or immediate market. Debbie Weil author of The Corporate Blogging Book says that, â€Å"an effective blog enables you to have a two-way conversation with customers and employees†. Also, weblogs can make effective use of a combination of images, audio and video content too besides text. The sheer quantity of webblogs is very large but Internet search tools are powerful in finding the precise information required. Weblogs also help to build connected businesses. Hyperlinks make it possible to link with related information from other writers. I strongly urge to consider the option of blogging to supplement your existing communication methods to reach out to your audience more effectively. It is a popular trend and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Value Creation and Value Capture in Corporate Governance Essay Example for Free

Value Creation and Value Capture in Corporate Governance Essay Abstract We have followed the value-based approach to investigate a major corporate governance reform affecting publically listed firms in China. The regulations required that, in each firm, the owners of non-tradable shares (block shareholders) negotiate with the owners of tradable shares (minority shareholders) to determine the compensation paid to the latter for allowing non-tradable shares to trade on the stock market. If such an agreement is not obtained, the firm is forbidden to use equity refinancing in the future. The present study emphasizes the joint effect of value creation and value capture in determining the level of compensation, and finds that firms that expect to generate higher returns from future investments but face greater constraints in seeking non-equity-based financing tend to issue higher levels of compensation. This joint effect is further moderated by factors related to investment returns and corporate governance. The empirical evidence lends strong support to theoretical predictions. This study has important implications for corporate governance in emerging markets, and the application of the value-based approach to corporate governance research in general. Keywords: Value-Based Approach, Corporate Governance, Liquidity Reform, Bargaining, China *Contact: Nan Jia, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, Email: [emailprotected], Tel: 213-740-1045; Yongxiang Wang, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, Email: [emailprotected], Tel: 213-740-7650. Acknowledgements: We would like to thank Olivier Chatain, Gabriel Natividad, Victor Bennett, and Joanne Oxley for their helpful comments. 1. Introduction Value creation and value appropriation are central to the question of how economic actors cooperate in value-producing activities and then compete to divide the value created – a phenomenon that is fundamental to business strategy (MacDonald and Ryall, 2004; Gans, MacDonald, and Ryall, 2008; Chatain and Zemsky, 2011). To address this question, a rapidly growing body of research supports a value-based approach based on formal modeling (Brandenburger and Stuart, 1996, 2007; MacDonald and Ryall, 2004). The value-based approach has proven to be powerful tools for advancing our understanding of a wide range of topics in strategic management, such as market competition (MacDonald and Ryall, 2004; Gans et al., 2008), firms’ resource advantages (Lippman and Rumelt, 2003), buyer-supplier relationships (Chatain and Zemsky, 2007; Chatain, 2011; Jia, forthcoming), firms’ sustainable competitive advantages (Adner and Zemsky, 2006), social network positions (Ry all and Sorenson, 2007), and team organization (Bennett, 2012). What has escaped researchers’ attention so far is to employ the value-based approach to advance our understanding of corporate governance issues. As one of the most investigated field in strategic management, corporate governance research focuses on how various governance structures align the incentives of all types of stakeholders (Daily, Dalton, and Rajagopalan 2003; Walls, Berrone, and Phan, 2012). Although theoretically speaking, inherent to many corporate governance issues is the tension between value creation and value capture, as stakeholders design corporate governance arrangements essentially both to incentivize all parties to work hard to increase the overall firm value, and to assist their competition with other stakeholders regarding sharing the value created (e.g., Tirole, 2001, Jensen, 2001), most strategy research has given overwhelming attention to the latter effect of competing over value appropriation, often called â€Å"stakeholder opportunism† (v. We rder, 2011). In particular, the research of firm governance in emerging markets has predominantly placed opportunism and misappropriation of minority shareholders center-stage, and appropriately so, as rampant expropriation of minority shareholders generates inefficiencies and stalls economic growth (Morck, Stangeland, and Yeung, 2000; Morck, Wolfenzon, and Yeung, 2005). We believe, however, that stronger protection of minority shareholders also requires incorporating the value creation perspective, to more closely link corporate governance to obtaining cooperation of all shareholders in assisting firms’ business operation in the future, instead of treating the bargaining between stakeholders merely as a zero-sum game. The following example of a major corporate governance reform in China clearly shows how focusing on expropriation in a zero-sum game alone fails to reach the insights that can be achieved by the value-based approach. Prior to 2005, all firms listed in China’s stock ma rket had two types of shareholders: owners of tradable shares and owners of non-tradable shares. Both types of shareholders enjoy the same voting rights and the same cash flow rights. The only difference between these shareholders is embodied in their names: tradable shares can be traded freely on the stock market, while non-tradable shares cannot be traded on the stock market. Tradable shares are typically held by minority shareholders including individuals and institutional investors, and non-tradable shares are typically held by block shareholders, such as other business firms and the state. The 2005 reform was orchestrated by the CSRC (China Securities Regulatory Commission, China’s SEC-equivalent) to make all non-tradable shares tradable. In it, the CSRC stipulates that, for every firm, the non-tradable shareholders negotiate with the tradable shareholders to determine the compensation received by the latter (from the former1) in exchange for enabling non-tradable shares to trade on the stock market. The failure to reach such an agreement prohibits the firm from refinancing in the stock market. Absent the value creation perspective, viewing this ownership reform as the shareholders competing only to appropriate a larger share of a fixed â€Å"pie† makes it very difficult to explain why powerful, large shareholders are willing to compensate minority shareholders. 2 Moreover, students of corporate governance in emerging markets are well versed with how block shareholders expropriate minority shareholders, and thus may expect limited compensation paid to the latter. However, such explanations are incomplete. Through the lens of the value-based approach, we argue that the reform enables competition to create as well as to appropriate value. Reaching an agreement to reform the ownership structure increases a firm’s value in the future, as it provides the firm with access to equity refinancing to fund future investments. Therefore, non-tradable shareholders’ compensation for the minority shareholders in the reform should depend on their share of the firms’ expected returns from using equity refinancing to fund business operations in the future. We show that, the compensation for tradable shareholders (minority shareholders) include some of the value that non-tradable shareholders (block shareholders) expect to gain from the firm’s future investment, because the compensation reflects how much minority shareholders could hold up the block shareholders from creating more value through future investments. Using a formal model and then corroborating it with empirical evidence, we show that non-tradable shareholders are more willing to compensate tradable shareholders to reform the ownership when the firm is more effective in investments but face greater constraints with regard to alternative financing.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cultural Diversity Essay -- School Education Diverse Essays

Cultural Diversity Children should be exposed to all segments of society. Youngsters learning with children of different races, nationalities, and religions tend to be more tolerant and accepting of individual differences. They learn customs, beliefs and rituals of classmates that maybe quite different from what they have been taught. Youngsters learning in an environment of diversity are well prepared to deal more effectively in society after they complete their education. A mutual respect and understanding of other cultures removes barriers and stereotypes. Individual differences need to be threatening. In fact, knowledge of other cultures helps a person realize and appreciate the similarities more than the differences. It is most important that the teacher is trained to teach about and respect individual differences. A diverse group of youngsters can add a great deal to the classroom environment. Interaction between children, handled effectively, can promote a climate of curiosity, mutual respect an d acceptance. Nina Rees addressed the topic of teaching styles at both public and private school systems. She suggested students achieve greater results in an environment in which competition and different religious and cultural backgrounds exist. (Rees 93). Although students may have a different religion, culture, race and socio-economic level, they all deserve an equally outstanding education. There is a national attempt to give parents the option of a public or a private education for their youngsters. "There is also such a thing as a Voucher System. In "PUBLIC SCHOOLS, PRIVATE SCHOOLS, SPECIAL NEEDS, AND VOUCHER SYSTEMS- A GENERAL REVIEW OF BASIC PRINCIPLES," the author writes, "the idea of the voucher system is that parents ... ...iling grades coming from the students, they are remaining open and continue to be rewarded with extra funding. Viadero,D. Increased choice found to have modest impact on school improvement. Edweek. Retrieved October 7,2002 from Greene,J.P. (2001). The surprising consensus on school choice. Public interest,144,pp.19. Retrieved November 22,2002 from Rees,N.S. School choice: a report card. World & I, 15 (9),pp.28. Retrieved November 23,2002 from Private vs. public schools. Public schools,private schools,special needs,and voucher systems. School choice programs: what?s happening in the states? Schoolreformers. Test scores: public vs. private schools. Cultural Diversity Essay -- School Education Diverse Essays Cultural Diversity Children should be exposed to all segments of society. Youngsters learning with children of different races, nationalities, and religions tend to be more tolerant and accepting of individual differences. They learn customs, beliefs and rituals of classmates that maybe quite different from what they have been taught. Youngsters learning in an environment of diversity are well prepared to deal more effectively in society after they complete their education. A mutual respect and understanding of other cultures removes barriers and stereotypes. Individual differences need to be threatening. In fact, knowledge of other cultures helps a person realize and appreciate the similarities more than the differences. It is most important that the teacher is trained to teach about and respect individual differences. A diverse group of youngsters can add a great deal to the classroom environment. Interaction between children, handled effectively, can promote a climate of curiosity, mutual respect an d acceptance. Nina Rees addressed the topic of teaching styles at both public and private school systems. She suggested students achieve greater results in an environment in which competition and different religious and cultural backgrounds exist. (Rees 93). Although students may have a different religion, culture, race and socio-economic level, they all deserve an equally outstanding education. There is a national attempt to give parents the option of a public or a private education for their youngsters. "There is also such a thing as a Voucher System. In "PUBLIC SCHOOLS, PRIVATE SCHOOLS, SPECIAL NEEDS, AND VOUCHER SYSTEMS- A GENERAL REVIEW OF BASIC PRINCIPLES," the author writes, "the idea of the voucher system is that parents ... ...iling grades coming from the students, they are remaining open and continue to be rewarded with extra funding. Viadero,D. Increased choice found to have modest impact on school improvement. Edweek. Retrieved October 7,2002 from Greene,J.P. (2001). The surprising consensus on school choice. Public interest,144,pp.19. Retrieved November 22,2002 from Rees,N.S. School choice: a report card. World & I, 15 (9),pp.28. Retrieved November 23,2002 from Private vs. public schools. Public schools,private schools,special needs,and voucher systems. School choice programs: what?s happening in the states? Schoolreformers. Test scores: public vs. private schools.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Alphabet of Lines

Alphabet of Lines The â€Å"Alphabet of Lines† refers to the different styles of lines used in drafting to show different features about an object that is drawn. There are eleven main line types – visible, hidden, center, dimension, extension, leader, section, cutting-plane, phantom, viewing plane and break. Each line has a definite form and line weight. The standard thick line weight varies from . 030 to . 038 of an inch whereas the standard thin line weight varies from . 015 to . 022 of an inch. Visible lines are dark and heavy lines. They show the outline and shape of an object. They define features that can be seen in a particular view. Hidden lines are light, narrow, short, dashed lines. They show the outline of a feature that cannot be seen in a particular view. They are used to help clarify a feature but can be omitted if they clutter a drawing. Section lines are thin lines usually drawn at a 45 degree angle. They indicate the material that has been cut through in a sectional view. Center lines are thin lines consisting of long and short dashes. They show the center of holes, slots, paths of rotation and symmetrical objects. Dimension lines are dark, heavy lines. They show the length, width, and height of the features of an object. They are terminated with arrowheads at the end. Extension lines are used to show the starting and stopping points of a dimension. There should be at least a 1/16 space between the object and the extension line. Leader lines are thin lines used to show the dimension of a feature or a note that is too large to be placed beside the feature itself. Cutting plane lines are thick broken lines that terminate with short 90 degree arrowheads. They show where a part is mentally cut in half to better see the interior detail. Break lines are used to break out sections for clarity or for shortening a part. There are three types of break lines with different line weights. These are short breaks, long breaks and cylindrical breaks. Short break lines are thick wavy lines used to break the edge or surface of a part for clarity of a hidden surface. Long break lines are long, thin lines used to show that the middle section of an object has been removed so it can be drawn on a smaller piece of paper. Cylindrical break lines are thin lines used to show round parts that are broken in half to better clarify the print or to reduce the length of the object. Phantom lines are thin lines made up of long dashes alternating with pairs of short dashes. Their purpose is to show the alternate position of moving parts, relationship of parts that fit together and repeated detail. They can show where a part is moving to and from. They eliminate the confusion of thinking there may be two parts instead of just one. They also show how two or more parts go together without having to draw and dimension all. They show repeated details of an object and hence, provide efficiency and less chance of drafter error. Reference: An Alphabet of Lines. (2003). Retrieved July 21, 2011, from http://www. wisc-online. com/objects/ ViewObject. aspx? ID=mtl17903 Line Weights Line weights, or the varying line thicknesses used in engineering drawing, are essential in creating a drawing that communicates effectively. Line weights are a vital part of conventional technical graphics language. They are embodied to the extent of being defined in national and international standards. Line types and line weights allow drawings to communicate information that would otherwise be very difficult to convey. For example: hidden outlines, paths of motion, planes of symmetry, fictitious outlines such as major and minor diameters of screw threads, dimensions and projections, materials (hatching), and centers and imaginary intersections. Conventional practice is that only two different line weights be used on any one drawing. This is subject to discretion and some disciplines regularly use three, and occasionally four, different line weights. Consistency and clarity of communication are the deciding factors. Continuous thick lines range from 0. 35-0. 50 mm and are used for visible outlines, existing features, cut edges and general line work. Continuous medium lines are 0. 25-0. 35 mm and used when another level of line weight would assist the delineation e. g. internal line work, notes. Continuous thin lines vary from 0. 18 to 0. 25 mm. They are applied in fictitious outlines, imaginary intersections and projections, hatching, dimensions and break lines. Dashed thick lines are 0. 35-0. 50 mm while dashed thin lines are 0. 18-0. 25 mm. They are used in hidden outlines and edges. Chain thick lines are0. 35-0. 50 mm and they indicate special surface requirements or sometimes with a text component to indicate pipelines and services. Chain thin lines, 0. 18-0. 25 mm, are for center lines, motion paths and indication of repeated detail. Engineering drawings made on A4, A3 and A2-sized pages are at the smallest end of the range of document sizes that would reasonably be used. The appropriate pen group is from the fine end of the scale – 0. 18, 0. 25 and 0. 35mm pen widths. Reference: Line Weight. (n. d). Retrieved July 21, 2011, from http://www. cadinfo. net/intellicad/ line-weight Orthographic Drawing Orthographic projection (or orthogonal projection) is a means of representing a three-dimensional object in two dimensions. It is a form of parallel projection, where all the projection lines are orthogonal to the projection plane. It is further divided into multiview orthographic projections and axonometric projections. A lens providing an orthographic projection is known as an (object-space) telecentric lens. The term orthographic is also sometimes reserved specifically for depictions of objects where the axis or plane of the object is also parallel with the projection plane, as in multiview orthographic projections. With multiview orthographic projections, up to six pictures of an object are produced, with each projection plane parallel to one of the coordinate xes of the object. The views are positioned relative to each other according to either of two schemes: first-angle or third-angle projection. In each, the appearances of views may be thought of as being projected onto planes that form a 6-sided box around the object. Both first-angle and third-angle projections result in the same 6 views; the di fference between them is the arrangement of these views around the box. First-angle projection is as if the object were sitting on the paper and, from the â€Å"face† (front) view, it is rolled to the right to show the left side or rolled up to show its bottom. It is standard throughout Europe (excluding the UK) and Asia. First-angle projection used to be common in the UK, and may still be seen on historical design drawings, but has now fallen into disuse in favor of third-angle projection. Third-angle is as if the object were a box to be unfolded. If we unfold the box so that the front view is in the center of the two arms, then the top view is above it, the bottom view is below it, the left view is to the left, and the right view is to the right. It is standard in the United Kingdom, USA, Canada, and Australia. A great deal of confusion has ensued in drafting rooms and engineering departments when drawings are transferred from one convention to another. On engineering drawings, the projection angle is denoted by an international symbol consisting of a truncated cone labeled FR for first-angle and US for third-angle. Axonometric projection is a type of parallel projection, more specifically a type of orthographic projection, used to create a pictorial drawing of an object, where the object is rotated along one or more of its axes relative to the plane of projection. There are three main types of axonometric projection: isometric, dimetric, and trimetric projection. â€Å"Axonometric† means to measure along axes. Axonometric projection shows an image of an object as viewed from a skew direction in order to reveal more than one side in the same picture. Whereas the term orthographic is sometimes reserved specifically for depictions of objects where the axis or plane of the object is parallel with the projection plane, in axonometric projection the plane or axis of the object is always drawn not parallel to the projection plane. With axonometric projections the scale of distant features is the same as for near features, such pictures will look distorted, as it is not how our eyes or photography work. This distortion is especially evident if the object to view is mostly composed of rectangular features. Despite this limitation, axonometric projection can be useful for purposes of illustration. Reference: Orthographic projection (n. d. ). In Wikipedia. Retrieved July 21, 2011, from http://en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/Orthographic_projection

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cultural Considerations in Health Care

Introduction One of the greatest things about nursing is that we have the opportunity to share with different cultures and learn about them. Our patients are complex; they each have their religion, culture, and life choices. Delivering health advice and not knowing much about a patient’s cultural background will influence how the patient may perceive the nurses’ advice.The article that I did my research on was published in 2011, by Perez-Avila, Sobralske and Katz; the name of the article is â€Å"No Comprendo: Practice Considerations When Caring for Latinos With Limited English Proficiency in the United States Health Care System†. In the United States, Hispanics form the largest minority. Most of this community has limited English proficiency; the purpose of this article is to teach us how Hispanics feel when catered to by English only speaking healthcare staff.Summary of the Article The article in my opinion was well written, it provides detailed information in reference to limited English proficient citizens in the United States. An example of how detailed the study is â€Å"One study revealed that only 37% of patients with LEP know it is their legal right to have health services offered in their language by a bilingual provider or through the use of professional interpretation services† (Katz & Pares-Avila, 2011, pg. 160).The author could have done a better job by providing more cultural information in reference to Hispanics; their believes and medical practices. Hispanic families believe that the father of the family is the boss; however the spouse takes care of the children. I must add that this is changing as women are becoming more functional in the work force and as professionals. The article focuses on how due to the lack of communication and cultural competence, a certain percentage of Hispanics do not benefit from the best possible care.In fact, the article states that Hispanics have more unnecessary tests done to them due to the lack of communication with health care providers. Many health care professionals decide to document that the patient’s medical history is not available, rather than finding an interpreter to assist them. The article does a nice job describing how this lack of cultural knowledge impacts the Hispanic culture. I chose this article because I find it interesting and of great help to any nursing and health care professional; I am Hispanic myself and constantly looking for better ways to help my community.I personally see my grandmother struggling whenever she needs to see her physician, as she sometimes does not understand what him and his staff are telling her. On another note nursing is an ever changing career and the Hispanic culture is growing at an enormous rate, becoming culturally competent does not only provide the patient with good care but can make the nurses’ job easier and more rewarding. I do feel that there should be more research on this subject; the b est way to learn about a patient’s cultural beliefs is to ask the patient.I think that the population that the author intended to target is health care professionals; however, I know that any immigrant can benefit from reading this article. Conclusion Culture competence is a quality that any nurse should have. The article that I decided to research refers to the impact that language and different cultures have on a patient’s health. It is the duty of health care professionals to attempt to learn about different cultures and to be sensitive to the way patient’s feel about their beliefs.Once the nurse understands a patient’s beliefs, the plan of care can be adjusted to meet the patient’s individual needs. Reference Pares-Avila, J. A. , Sobralske, M. C. , & Katz, J. R. (2011). No Comprendo: Practice Considerations When Caring for Latinos With Limited English Proficiency in the United States Health Care System. Hispanic Health Care International, 9(4), 159-167. doi:http://dx. doi. org/10. 1891/1540-4153. 9. 4. 159

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Napoleon and the Italian Campaign of 1796â€1797

Napoleon and the Italian Campaign of 1796–1797 The campaign fought by French General Napoleon Bonaparte in Italy in 1796–7 helped end the French Revolutionary Wars in favor of France. But they were arguably more significant for what they did for Napoleon: from one French commander among many, his string of successes established him as one of France’s, and Europe’s, brightest military talents, and revealed a man able to exploit victory for his own political goals. Napoleon showed himself to be not just a great leader on the battlefield but a canny exploiter of propaganda, willing to make his own peace deals for his own benefit. Napoleon Arrives Napoleon was given command of the Army of Italy in March 1796, two days after marrying Josephine. On route to his new base- Nice- he changed the spelling of his name. The Army of Italy was not intended to be the main focus of France in the coming campaign- that was to be Germany- and the Directory  may have been just shunting Napoleon off somewhere he couldn’t cause trouble. While the army was ill-organized and with sinking morale, the idea that the young Napoleon had to win over a force of veterans is exaggerated, with the possible exception of the officers: Napoleon had claimed victory at Toulon and was known to the army. They wanted victory and to many, it seemed like Napoleon was their best chance of getting it, so he was welcomed. However, the army of 40,000 was definitely poorly equipped, hungry, disillusioned, and falling apart, but it was also composed of experienced soldiers who just needed the right leadership and supplies. Napoleon would later highlight how much of a difference he made to the army, how he transformed it, and while he overstated to make his role look better (as ever), he certainly provided what was needed. Promising troops that they would be paid in captured gold was among his cunning tactics to reinvigorate the army, and he soon worked hard to bring in supplies, crack down on deserters, show himself to the men, and impress on all his determination. Conquest Napoleon initially faced two armies, one Austrian and one from Piedmont. If they had united, they would have outnumbered Napoleon, but they were hostile to each other and didn’t. Piedmont was unhappy at being involved and Napoleon resolved to defeat it first. He attacked quickly, turning from one enemy to another, and managed to force Piedmont to leave the war entirely by forcing them on a large retreat, breaking their will to continue, and signing the Treaty of Cherasco. The Austrians retreated, and less than a month after arriving in Italy, Napoleon had Lombardy. At the start of May, Napoleon crossed the Po to chase an Austrian army, defeated their rear-guard at the battle of Lodi, where the French stormed a well-defended bridge head on. It did wonders for Napoleon’s reputation despite it being a skirmish that could have been avoided if Napoleon had waited a few days for the Austrian retreat to continue. Napoleon next took Milan, where he established a republican gove rnment. The effect on the army’s morale was great, but on Napoleon, it was arguably greater: he began to believe he could do remarkable things. Lodi is arguably the starting point of Napoleon’s rise. Napoleon now besieged Mantua but the German part of the French plan had not even begun and Napoleon had to halt. He spent the time intimidating cash and submissions from the rest of Italy. Around $60 million francs in cash, bullion, and jewels had so far been gathered. Art was equally in demand by the conquerors, while rebellions had to be stamped out. Then a new Austrian army under Wurmser marched forth to tackle Napoleon, but he was again able to take advantage of a divided force- Wurmser sent 18,000 men under one subordinate and took 24,000 himself- to win multiple battles. Wurmser attacked again in September, but Napoleon flanked and ravaged him before Wurmser finally managed to merge some of his force with the defenders of Mantua. Another Austrian rescue force split up, and after Napoleon narrowly won at Arcola, he was able to defeat this in two chunks as well. Arcola saw Napoleon take a standard and lead an advance, doing wonders again for his reputation for personal bravery, i f not personal safety. As the Austrians made a new attempt to save Mantua in early 1797, they failed to bring their maximum resources to bear, and Napoleon won the battle of Rivoli in mid-January, halving the Austrians and forcing them into Tyrol. In February 1797, with their army broken by disease, Wurmser and Mantua surrendered. Napoleon had conquered northern Italy. The pope was now induced to buy Napoleon off. Having received reinforcements (he had 40,000 men), he now decided to defeat Austria by invading it but was faced by Archduke Charles. However, Napoleon managed to force him right back- Charles’ morale was low- and after getting to within sixty miles of the enemy capital Vienna, he decided to offer terms. The Austrians had been subjected to a terrible shock, and Napoleon knew he was far from his base, facing Italian rebellion with tired men. As negotiations went on, Napoleon decided he wasn’t finished, and he captured the Republic of Genoa, which transformed into the Ligurian Republic, as well as took parts of Venice. A preliminary treaty- Leoben- was drawn up, annoying the French government as it didn’t clarify the position in the Rhine. The Treaty of Campo Formio, 1797 Although the war was, in theory, between France and Austria, Napoleon negotiated the Treaty of Campo Formio with Austria himself, without listening to his political masters. A coup by three of the directors which remodeled the French executive ended Austrian hopes of splitting France’s executive from its leading General, and they agreed on terms. France kept the Austrian Netherlands (Belgium), conquered states in Italy were transformed into the Cisalpine Republic ruled by France, Venetian Dalmatia was taken by France, the Holy Roman Empire was to be rearranged by France, and Austria had to agree to support France in order to hold Venice. The Cisalpine Republic may have taken the French constitution, but Napoleon dominated it. In 1798, French forces took Rome and Switzerland, turning them into new, revolutionary styled states. Consequences Napoleon’s string of victories thrilled France (and many later commentators), establishing him as the country’s pre-eminent general, a man who had finally ended the war in Europe; an act seemingly impossible for anyone else. It also established Napoleon as a key political figure and redrew the map of Italy. The vast sums of loot sent back to France helped maintain a government increasingly losing fiscal and political control.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Creating an Environment Conducive to Learning Essay Example

Creating an Environment Conducive to Learning Essay Example Creating an Environment Conducive to Learning Paper Creating an Environment Conducive to Learning Paper Learning can occur in many settings, not just in the classroom. Accordingly, the term classroom in this book is used figuratively and includes a wide range of learning environments. Creating a positive learning environment is the cornerstone of effective teaching. In order for our students to succeed, they must first believe they can succeed. Students must have confidence in their abilities and they must feel that the teacher shares that confidence. A positive learning environment nurtures these feelings by allowing students to explore and expand their knowledge without undue risk or fear. A positive environment is fostered when learning outcomes and expectations are clearly communicated to the detent. Students have a wide range of learning needs and styles, and this diversity must be taken into account in employing a variety of teaching strategies. The size of the classroom, the arrangement of the furniture, the functioning of equipment and other physical aspects of the class all contribute to, or detract from, the learning environment. When these factors can be manipulated to be positive influences, an environment more conducive to learning will be created. Creating a positive learning environment is the cornerstone of effective teaching. As teachers we are accountable to our students, as well as to their future employers. We assist students to achieve course and program learning outcomes. The success of our efforts depends on our ability to create and maintain favorable instructional, physical and psychological learning environments. A positive learning environment is one in which all students have an equal opportunity to succeed. As conscientious teachers, we need to become aware of our own assumptions and guard against acting out our own biases. We must avoid creating or tolerating a climate in the classroom which in any way results in the unfair treatment of an individual because of his or her identity. Ecclesial order for learning to come accessible to a student, it needs to be presented in an atmosphere free from fear or humiliation. Students need clear expectations Of learning outcomes so they can measure these against the skills they already have in order to establish their learning goals. Students also require access to the physical resources necessary to achieve their learning goals. Qualitative academic standards can only be maintained within a learning atmosphere which honors the diversity and integrity of each individual, builds self- esteem, provides productive and purposeful learning activities, and prepares dents for responsible citizenship. Whatever level of motivation your students bring to the classroom will be transformed for better or worse, by what happens in that classroom. Department of Education and Early Childhood Development I From the day children are born, they enter a new and colorful world of discovery, where everything is new and unfamiliar. To get to know themselves, others and their worlds, they need to feel safe and confident. Creating rich, stimulating, engaging environments for them to explore will ensure that they are active participants in their own learning. The Early Learning and Child Care Curriculum is based on the vision all children can grow to their fullest potential with dignity, a sense of self worth, and a zest for living and learning. To reach this point requires a holistic approach to early learning and care, where all of the curriculum elements function in harmony with each another. The curriculum promotes healthy development by emphasizing responsive relationships, stimulating environments and learning through play. Based on up-to-date research on how to maximize childrens learning, the curriculum appeals to the uniqueness of each and every child. This factor contributes to the innovative nature of the curriculum, and allows its contents to be practiced across a variety of cultural, linguistic and social backgrounds. By implementing its teachings at the earliest age possible, children are prepared for a smoother transition into primary school, and given a foundation of learning that will support them throughout their lives-Caring and supportive relationships are fundamental when creating an environment that encourages healthy learning experiences for children. Positive relationships foster feelings of safety and trust that all children need n order to explore and experiment with confidence.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What Do Tutors Actually Do During SAT

What Do Tutors Actually Do During SAT/ACT Tutoring SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You’ve heard of this strange, mysterious thing called â€Å"SAT/ACT Tutoring.† Okay, maybe it's not all that mysterious to you, but it was a cipher to me when I was in high school. Was SAT tutoring like homework, but with supervision? Why should I waste my precious free time with a tutor when I could just do everything myself? What actually happens during SAT/ACT tutoring? In this article, I'm going to talk about what we at PrepScholar believe the best tutors do during the course of SAT/ACT tutoring. These are the best practices that we employ to get our industry-leading results. This is in no way a guarantee that every tutor will follow every one of these guidelines, of course, but it gives you an idea of what to look for. We will answer all the questions I had as a confused high schooler†¦and more! As a bonus feature, I’ve included things that good tutors should absolutely NOT do during ACT/SAT tutoring sessions, so that if you encounter them, you can run in the other direction.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

How to do the Staffing and Training for Global Operations Research Paper

How to do the Staffing and Training for Global Operations - Research Paper Example 7 Regiocentric Approach †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 8 Geo-centric Approach- Global Approach†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 9 Selection Process for Global Assignments†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 10 Training and development for expatriates †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 11 Cross Cultural Training †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 11 Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 12 References †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚ ¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 13 Introduction Going global was considered to be a great achievement few years ago, but today, it is part of a company’s survival strategy and rather an essential element to de-risk the business from a single country shock. Going global has become an increasingly important business strategy because of that most businesses face challenges of localized economic policies and competition. The advances in information technology and telecommunication that scholars consider it as second revolution have caused tremendous changes in global business and increased the volume of trade between nations. Multinational companies have been playing major role in the process of moving goods and services around the globe. When companies go global and operate in different countries, policies relating to employee hiring, training, compensating and maintaining are largely aff ected and human resource managers are required to have a global perspective of business to effectively formulate and implement human resource policies. This piece of research paper addresses the importance of effective staffing process for a company when operates in other countries and explains main elements of international human resource management in relation to hiring, training and compensating the employees. This paper explains main modes of global staffing in relation to managing expatriates and analyzes various selection factors for global operation. Need for effective Staffing for Global Operation In recent days, managers of large multinationals have been realizing the significance of human resource practices to ensure the profitability and competitive advantages of their business. Human resource management has become more involved in helping international organizations and these organizations necessarily require to develop global strategies with major focus to hire, manage and retain best employees in order to ensure competitive advantages. As Briscoe, Schuler and Claus (2008) stated that the impact of a company’s international activity on human resource varies according to various factors like stages of internationalization, the global nature of the particular industry and specific choice of the firm etc (p. 29). Large companies that have been operating in its home country often suddenly become global and as a result its existing human resources start working in different conditions with no previous experiences in international operation. Likewise, companies need to hire, train maintain and retain talented employees to be able to work in multinational conditions. Stahl and Bjorkman (2006) stressed that global staffing has become a critical issue in international management for the following reasons:- There has been growing awareness that the success of international business mainly depend on recruiting the qualified senior and other managers.

Diabetes in the Young Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Diabetes in the Young - Research Paper Example Pathophysiology of Type 2 Diabetes Research of type 2 diabetes in the young adults and children continues to provide insightful information about the pathophysiology of the disease. Qualified researchers attribute susceptibility to the disease to both genetic and environmental factors (Eppens & Craig, 2006). Inherited genes might predispose an individual to a combination of failure of beta-cell secretion and insensitivity to insulin produced (Eppens & Craig, 2006). This means that individuals with a history of this disease have increased chances of contracting it compared to individuals with no record of type 2 diabetes in their family. 45-80% of these children have a parent suffering from type 2 diabetes. 74-90% of the reported children cases show that they have the 1st or 2nd degree relative suffering from the disease (Eppens & Craig, 2006). Some researchers might also argue that women have a higher chance of contracting the disease than men (Eppens & Craig, 2006). Other genetic fa ctors that increase the person’s susceptibility to the disease are intrauterine exposure to diabetes, puberty, low birth-weight, and ethnicity (Eppens & Craig, 2006). ... For example, the continuous advancement in the technology industry induces laziness among the young adults and children, who would rather engage themselves in computer games indoors instead of riding a bicycle outside. As a result, the levels of obesity among the young have skyrocketed over the years, increasing their chances of developing type 2 diabetes (Kaufman, 2002). Obesity affects the body by overworking all the organs. In addition, the high cholesterol levels also clog up the blood vessels, causing a disruption in the supply of essential enzymes and nutrients in the body (Kaufman, 2002). Brief literature review focusing on current research The American Pediatric Board described type 2 diabetes as the new epidemic affecting the pediatric population. The incidence and prevalence rates have increased by 33% between 1990 and 2000 (Kaufman, 2002). Research shows that the disease accounted for 16% of new pediatric diabetes recorded in the urban areas in 1992, and by 1999 the record s showed up to 8- 45 % increase in new cases as per the geographic location (Kaufman, 2002). Further research reveals that ethnicity plays a crucial role in the susceptibility patterns of the disease. Mainly people of African-American, Native-American, Asian-American, and Mexican-American descent suffer from type 2 diabetes. For example, African-American children represent 70-75% of new pediatric patients of type 2 diabetes in Ohio and Arkansas (Kaufman, 2002). Very limited information is available about effective evidence-based treatment. However, National Institute of Health has recently disbursed funding to a multicenter consortium charged with the responsibility of determining the outcomes of the different treatment regimens

Friday, October 18, 2019

SLP 2 - HRM 401 SELECTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SLP 2 - HRM 401 SELECTION - Essay Example This is evident in a person’s ability to fit in the position that they are applying for based on their personal attributes and career objectives (Clarke, 1996). The tradeoff between the time taken on the selection process and the cost is the overstretching of the existing workers who must work extra hours to ensure that all the work is done before new employees are recruited to take up those jobs. The company may have to make extra payment to the employees so as to compensate them for the extra work load. There are a number of considerations that the company has to consider in the application process. The candidates are expected to create an online account with the organization through which the can keep track of their applications and other important notifications. Once the application has been received by the organization’s human resource department, the candidates are notified through an automated online acknowledgement system so as to inform them that their applications were well received. The human-resource staff as well as the hiring managers usually narrows down on the list of applicants based on their skills and job histories that are closely consistent with the requirements of the jobs applied for. In cases where they are not sure of the information presented by the applicants in their resume, they can reach them through phone calls or via email. The list of the shortlisted candidates that the team finally emerges with is composed of those whom there are certain bear all the required details of the job. Selection criteria are mainly based on screening of resumes, job applications and biographical information. It is further based on interpersonal skills or team leadership attributes of the candidates and their ability to represent the company’s brand well to the stakeholders. Multinationals such as Coca-Cola that operates in different countries considers

DQ1JPart1 and DQ2 Bridget Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

DQ1JPart1 and DQ2 Bridget - Essay Example Documentation is very important because it provides a way to keep a written or computerized record of the work performed by the workers. â€Å"Documentation justifies employment actions, from recruitment and selection to resignation, retirement or termination† (Mayhew, 2012). The manager is responsible for the performance of his subordinates. A system that allows the employees to rate themselves is a great idea. Such a system can inspire motivated employees to achieve a higher level of performance. A potential problem of self-evaluation is employees exaggerating their level of performance (Bacal, 2012). Constructive criticism is an important element of any appraisal system. Employees have to be willing to listen to the opinions of others and accept that they may have deficiencies that must be improved. The use of training and development can enhance the skills and capabilities of the employees. Human resource professionals and managers must document their work. An example of a documentation process is the time cards that employees use when they punch into work. These cards must be saved in case there area any payroll issues associated with the payment to an employee. An industry in which proper documentation is imperative towards the ability of the professionals to provide a proper service is the medical industry (Nyu,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

(not specific) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

(not specific) - Essay Example As more and more people began living in closer proximity to each other with the development of the cities, social interactions changed as well. This included the expected roles of women. This caused a great deal of confusion for young women attempting to find their way in a world under constant change. Young women felt constrained by the traditions of the past yet were aware that they had a chance for a happier, more fulfilling future. These concepts can be discovered in the novels that were written during that time period. The precarious position of young women torn between adhering to ‘traditional family values’ and the more rewarding, less constrained possibilities of the new age is illustrated through such literary characters as Elizabeth Bennett in Jane Austin’s novel Pride and Prejudice and Lucy Honeychurch in E.M. Forster’s novel A Room with a View. Although she is aware of how she is expected to behave within polite society, Elizabeth Bennett of Pride and Prejudice doesn’t pay much attention to the social norms when it comes to restricting her true nature. This indicates that she has had a lenient childhood in which her actions have not been restricted or curtailed. There are several examples within the novel where she gives herself the liberty of speaking her own mind. She openly tells Mr. Darcy what she thinks of him before she is fully aware of his character, demonstrating an ‘unladylike’ confidence in her own opinions. Although it does not always help her and is not always shown to be a positive element of her personality, this willful streak also allows her to face down the intimidating Lady Catherine when cornered, â€Å"I am only resolved to act in that manner which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness without reference to you, or to any person so wholly unconnected with me† (Auste n 307). Elizabeth’s behavior tends to stretch the boundaries of good breeding as even her mother, not the most astute socialite

Should China be Promoting Big Business Groups Essay

Should China be Promoting Big Business Groups - Essay Example As the discussion stresses Chinas enterprise groups have performed better than any other enterprise. They are competitive and ready for the challenge of improving the nation’s economy. They have driven the economy of china to a higher level. The process of transforming these enterprises is better known as Jituanhua. By 2004, china transformed about 2692 enterprises into enterprise groups. This enterprise groups provided employment for almost 30 million people in china. Their output has grown up to 21% annually. These enterprise groups expanded more as many more companies joined in to work together.From this paper it is clear that  China has adopted the East Asian style to development. This started all the way from 1980s when it was realized to be one of the fast growing economies in East Asia. They key models imitated by the Chinese economy from other already developed states in East Asia are state controls over the finance, government intervention in state firms, substituti ng imports in some industries and high export activities. A lot of saving and investment is also encouraged locally. Much similarity is noticed between Taiwan and china since they both have private and state enterprise sectors that play the crucial role in their development strategies.  It is surprising that this was the case even though china shared most of the affected sector with other East Asian countries.... This started all the way from 1980s when it was realized to be one of the fast growing economies in East Asia. They key models imitated by the Chinese economy from other already developed states in East Asia are state controls over the finance, government intervention in state firms, substituting imports in some industries and high export activities. A lot of saving and investment is also encouraged locally. Much similarity is noticed between Taiwan and china since they both have private and state enterprise sectors that play the crucial role in their development strategies. In 1997 and 1998, there was a financial crisis that affected the East Asian countries though china was affected at a minimal degree. It is surprising that this was the case even though china shared most of the affected sector with other East Asian countries. The East Asian financial crisis According to (Yang & Tyes, 1999), the East Asian countries were doing remarkably well in the financial development around the year 1997. Financial and currency crisis affected this greatly. Many economies in this region that had expanded started to slow down. This era experienced currency depreciations. According to (Yang & Tyes, 1999) â€Å"The external crisis combined with domestic reforms and with the changes that were taking place in the macroeconomic policy to retard overall economic growth and an increase in employment.† The Chinese people had long valued the culture of saving and using the savings future which saved china’s economy from collapsing like the rest of the East Asian states. Japan experienced a drop in investment to about a tenth in the years 1997-1998. In some countries, the economy declined by a half. Production of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

(not specific) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

(not specific) - Essay Example As more and more people began living in closer proximity to each other with the development of the cities, social interactions changed as well. This included the expected roles of women. This caused a great deal of confusion for young women attempting to find their way in a world under constant change. Young women felt constrained by the traditions of the past yet were aware that they had a chance for a happier, more fulfilling future. These concepts can be discovered in the novels that were written during that time period. The precarious position of young women torn between adhering to ‘traditional family values’ and the more rewarding, less constrained possibilities of the new age is illustrated through such literary characters as Elizabeth Bennett in Jane Austin’s novel Pride and Prejudice and Lucy Honeychurch in E.M. Forster’s novel A Room with a View. Although she is aware of how she is expected to behave within polite society, Elizabeth Bennett of Pride and Prejudice doesn’t pay much attention to the social norms when it comes to restricting her true nature. This indicates that she has had a lenient childhood in which her actions have not been restricted or curtailed. There are several examples within the novel where she gives herself the liberty of speaking her own mind. She openly tells Mr. Darcy what she thinks of him before she is fully aware of his character, demonstrating an ‘unladylike’ confidence in her own opinions. Although it does not always help her and is not always shown to be a positive element of her personality, this willful streak also allows her to face down the intimidating Lady Catherine when cornered, â€Å"I am only resolved to act in that manner which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness without reference to you, or to any person so wholly unconnected with me† (Auste n 307). Elizabeth’s behavior tends to stretch the boundaries of good breeding as even her mother, not the most astute socialite

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Accounting II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Accounting II - Essay Example This form of company typically have unlimited life and ease of ownership transferability in addition to owners limited liability. Examples of such companies are Microsoft and HP (Brigham & Ehrhardt, 2008). The accounting treatment of partnership takes company as an entity which is separate from partners’ personal affairs (Horngren, Bamber, & Harrison, 2005). The major difference in the accounting of corporations and partnership is the calculation and disclosure of the capital of the organization. Corporations are required to prepare and publish audited annual and quarterly reports which could be accessed by shareholders. These annual reports contains statements including income statement, balance sheet, cash flow and changes in shareholders’ equity. Financial reports are not published for external users by partnership and tax return is submitted as part of individual tax forms. There are different ways of identifying whether a company is a partnership or corporation. Firstly, partnerships and corporations fall in different tax regimes. In partnership entity is not liable for tax and it is deducted from owner’s personal income. IRS has set out guidelines for distinguishing between partnership and corporation. In addition to the characteristics discussed above if one partner has the power to dissolve company then the characteristics of corporation is absent. Shareholders of corporations can sell their stock to third party however in partnerships there is general lack of transferability. There is also centralization of management in partnership whereas in corporations there is a board of directors which comprise of company’s shareholders (Brickman, 1991). ï‚ § What does a statement of cash flows tell us about the short and long term prospects of the firm? How does an outside review use a statement of cash flows and other financial statements to assess the viability of the firm? Companies prepare cash flow statement on a periodic basis for

Monday, October 14, 2019

Superman and Me Essay Example for Free

Superman and Me Essay Hopes can change a person’s ability to make choice. Society determines the role that every individual must adapt to according to age, gender, race and so on. In Sherman Alexie’s article, Superman and Me, he expressed his unsatisfied to discrimination of the society by showing his passion of obtaining knowledge from books. The author wanted the audience to understand his view of equality by telling his life story. He’s a Indian who grew up on the Spokane Indian Reservation in eastern Washington State to a middle-class family that consisted of a mother, father, older brother and three sisters. He organizes his essay in a chronological structure. His father was trying to make the family live better. He love his father and he love books. Alexie’s argument against the discriminative eyes of the population begins to become stronger to detect in the middle of his piece of writing. By reading the different kind of books, he learnt to think deeply and which made him smart and wise. He could totally understand what was happening around him which race and ethnicity can change views and victimize by labeling. He supposed to fail but he refused to. He recognizes that reading is non-discriminative. Everything contains words that can form ideas, sentences, opinions, and etc. It was a relief from understanding that words can be a source of pleasure and an escape from hatred. He determines that the love of literature had a purpose on his life, to try to save his life. He paints a picture of himself speaking to kids who remind him of the struggle to be Indian in the non-Indian environment. He points out the different peers of that class that strive for distinction or fade into the shadows that culture created for them. Finally, my conclusion to reading this piece of work is that now I will treat diversity in a new way. I will no longer judge due to differences. Yet, I still wonder, why did he reveal the fact that his father went to a Catholic school on purpose but not explain the purpose itself?

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Internet Life :: Technology Computers Web Essays

Internet Life Paying bills online, reading a novel, and buying a pair of sneakers is just some of the opportunities the world wide web has only allowed us to do in the last decades. Even though these tasks simplify our lives, making it less stressful on our busy lives, it seems as though if we are losing part of culture through losing daily errands. Can you imagine one hundred years from now that you might be able to go to a tourist attraction that showed our everyday life, such as you can do now at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts? At Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts, you can visit a built replica of the Pilgrims’ community and interact with Pilgrims ( or employees acting like Pilgrims) to see how life was during that time. Suppose if there was a replica of our society, would they have employees dressed up acting like they’re doing routine tasks, such as picking up the dry cleaning? Would the visitors be amazed with what we had to endure and how unfortunate we were to have such small techn ological advancements such as we are with past cultures? Even the minor errands we do every day, such as using the library, will become a click of a button away without even having to leave the house. Today you will not find a card catalog in a library, and soon, our way of gathering information will become a rare item. Our society continues looking for new technology to simplify life, and the cost becomes overwhelming when trying to keep up to date. You cannot buy a new computer and feel satisfied with it six months later due to new updates and more gadgets being made for it. Updating and manufacturing of these computer goods seem to be too quick to keep up with learning the programs also. Even as we speak, my father has owned a personal computer for about six years now, but he still does not know how to open any other program than AOL. If everything becomes digital, it seems that we would lose a grip of reality with losing sense of touch and human contact. Reading a book requires the physical process of grasping the book in your hands while turning the pages with your own fingers; Kurzweil refers to a book having value to it, because you can actually feel the source of knowledge.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Affection and Control :: essays research papers

Affection and control by parents is important in a child’s life. All parents should have both of these qualities. However, the level of affection and control are different among adults of the world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Affection is needed by parents to their children. Affection is caring, and caring is needed by all kids. Comfort is wanted by every child. I feel that high affection has to be shown by parents. My parents care about me and are involved in almost everything I do. When I’m feeling down about anything, I can turn to them for help. Feeling comfortable to talk out problems, or even just speak about great accomplishments, is what I do with my parents. My parents are people who will always love me, who I can always lean on, and will always be by my side. An example is if I do badly on a test on a particular day. They will tell me either that I studied and put my maximum effort in, or I have to work harder. Some situations may be more serious, but they help me on any level. They are always there to help and advise me on what I should do. It’s not a false statement to say that parents who show their children high affection succeed for the most part. Statistic ally, this is known, and I feel the same way currently as a young adult.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Control is another attribute that parents need to instill for their family and children. Control is a quality all parents value differently. Some parents want to control their children a great deal, while others don’t have much control over their kids at all. I feel that my parents are right in the middle of high and low control. Things that I do everyday are sometimes limited by my parents, while other times they are lenient with me. They are adults, have much more experience than me, and that is why they have certain opinions on different issues, which I value. An example is my curfew. My parents set a time that I can stay out until for the weekends. I conversed with my parents about the issue by telling them how I feel, but they are the ones that ultimately make the decision. By setting a reasonable time to try to satisfy me, but also instill some rules, they make the choice based on what they know, hear, and want.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Humanities anthropology Essay

Art and Society, what is their relationship? Does Art encourage the growth of a society or does a society provoke the direction of its Art? What are the influences? How much is being influenced? Art began, one may argue, when civilization was borne. With each civilization, we form a society, a group of people with individual characteristics, philosophies and cultures within which all sorts of ideas, thoughts and opinions are always brought to challenge and evaluation. These may be recorded in literature or in different forms of expression we known as Art. Right from the where culture started, events have been recorded in forms of pictures i.e. historical paintings which inform us about experiences in the past historical periods. History is the record of the development of human society. It can be expressed in forms of architectures, sculptures and paintings. As the topic is vast, I will therefore be focusing on the relationship between painting and society. I will be referring to different periods of Art movement to view its contribution to its society, and how Art and society have counteracted in bringing forth new Arts and new societies for generation to come. Traditionally, Art has been used as a vehicle to illustrate and illuminate history as historians recognize that some Art may help them to identify and explain the nature of a society or a period. Ideas trigger responses.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Pursuit of Happiness Movie Review

The Pursuit Of Happyness In today’s society, people spend their whole life searching for happiness. Millions of people today in America still have belief in the â€Å"American Dream† myth. The â€Å"American Dream† gives a person the right of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Happiness can only be found once a person achieves the American Dream through hard work, determination, and persistence. The movie ‘The Pursuit Of Happyness’ asserts the American Dream myth through the life of Chris Gardener that every man can achieve what one wants in life if he or she is ready to struggle for it.Chris Gardener is a salesman who is unable to meet his ends, but still dreams of being financially free and happy one day. The first scene in the movie creates the characteristics that are required for a man to be able to conquer the American Dream. One of the characteristics being: Hard work. The first sequence in the movie takes place in San Francisco where lar ge numbers of people are walking to their jobs with happy faces with happy background music. Chris is shown as a person who looks up to them and relinquishes the happiness in their faces.Chris sells Bone Density scanners to make a living, a medical instrument that does not sell easily. He is portrayed as a hardworking, unfortunate, browbeaten human who dreams of being able achieve the American Dream. He also has problems with the police and IRS for parking tickets and tax respectively. To be able to meet ends, he works hard and goes to multiple hospitals to sell the scanners and earn money. As we all know, everyone needs these qualities to be able to achieve something in life.Thus this portrays the idea that if you are like Chris you also will be able to achieve the American Dream. This is an example of logos since it uses the idea that no result will come without hard work to depict an image that ones who do not struggle with not get anywhere in life and ones who will. The only way people are able to achieve anything in today’s world is by hard word, this is mainly due to enormous competition. May it be a student or an executive, everyone these days are expected to work to their fullest to be able attain their dreams in life.Another characteristic that is portrayed in the movie is that of attitude, various attitudes towards dealing with things in life will always give you a different result at the end. An example of this is witnessed in the next scene of the movie that consists of a conversation between Chris and his wife Linda about how they are going to manage their financial problems. This scene portrays the attitude by which one must approach a goal with. Chris tells her that he is planning of joining an internship program as a stockbroker at Dean Witter, such that he would be able to take care of the family.Linda on the other hand scorns him and makes a sarcastic comment such as, â€Å"Stockbroker why not an astronaut†. Chris has a positive attitude to how he is going to manage their ends, whereas Linda on the other hand has a very negative approach to matters in life and has given up all hopes they will be able to fix their problems. The background has no music to provide an element of anticipation for the viewers. The use of pathos is noticed since it displays contrasting attitudes of a Dreamer and a Failure in life.The result for being positive is witnessed at the end when Chris is able to get the job and lead a happy life whereas, Linda on the other hand leaves to New York and never seen again. Since Chris is portrayed as the Dreamer it shows the audience that one must always look at things with a positive attitude to achieve the American Dream. People always agree that once you lose your willingness to reach something in life you will never be able to get it. Being able to face problems with a positive attitude is required to able to think clearly and correctly.Thinking clearly provides the Dreamer with clear tho ughts and motivation that he is needed to be able to achieve his or her goal. Persistence has become a key element in people’s lives these days due to the large competition for each job opening. Even if one fails the first time, they must try again and again till one is successful in life. This can be seen later in the movie; Chris turns in his application personally to the head of recourses Mr. Jay Twistle. Once he had submitted his application he was persistent in trying to impress Mr. Jay such that he would be guaranteed a spot for the internship.To make sure he impresses Mr. Jay he shares a ride with him and tries to solve the Rubik’s cube which is thought to be impossible to solve. Due to his success in solving the cube Mr. Jay is impressed with his talents and is called in for an interview. Throughout this sequence Chris is once again displayed a person who will never give up. Just the night before his interview he was arrested but still does not give up. He does everything he can such that he can make the interview on time. This scene shows that every positive action towards a goal is stepping stone towards the achieving the American Dream.Since this is the start of his change in life the background music creates a joyful but surprise theme hinting that this man is going to succeed in life if he keeps up with these qualities. This provides an element of ethos since it explains the qualities needed for successfully achieving the American Dream through the life of Chris. In today’s world if one gives up pursuing what they want in their life it will never come, dreams are things that never come and fall in your hands; it constantly needs thoughtful advances made by the Dreamer.As seen in the movie Chris never gives up till he gets the job therefore portraying the amount of pursuing one must do to achieve something in life. It provides evidence that if one person is able to achieve the American Dream through persistence, then everyone w ho tries to achieve the American Dream will also be able to fulfill their dreams. Determination is one of the key elements behind any successful American Dream dreamer. Even though by this time he has lost wife and house he does not give up. To be able to survive during his internship he would work twice as hard as he used to.He would try to finish an 8 hour job in 6 hours, and sell the remaining scanners he had during that time for money. When he thought that he could start living peacefully since he was able to sell enough scanners to make a living, the IRS takes all his money for not paying taxes. He lives in community homes with his son but never gives up hope in his dream. At the end of the internship, he is called in by Mr. Frakesh to congratulate on his new job. This shows the amount of determination one must be willing to put forward. To be able to achieve such a huge dream one cannot relax until their dream is fulfilled.As seen from the movie every second is precious when o ne is dreaming, a perfect example is shown when Chris does a 8 hour job in 6 hours, this shows that one can never waste time when they are determined to accomplish something in life. With today’s growing competition for every job opening, people have to work harder and harder. Even a small hint of withdrawal from a hundred percent effort will lead one’s dream to vanish in no time. As seen in Chris’s life even though he had lost everything in his life he did not give up his efforts he put into his internship. This in turn allowed him to be successfully hired as a full time stockbroker.As the saying goes â€Å"There is always hard work and sweat in every success†. In conclusion, hard-work, persistence, and determination are the key elements that will help and guide a man who would like to live the American Dream. Even in today’s world people still believe in that efforts would pay off someday or another as they wish. These people are the great dreams whom still feel that the American Dream still exists and has not vanished just like Chris dreamt. So if anyone one of you have a dream then you should never give up, all you need to do is keep trying.

Pre1914 prose study Essay

A single eye opens. On the dark, damp night of November, Frankenstein’s creation at last exists. Chapter 5 shows the awaking of his creation, literally his child. For so long he toiled, working towards this moment. But for what? For when the time came, only negative attitude was expressed. And so Victor deserts his â€Å"monster†, plunging the creation into complete darkness, lost, lonely and unaware. Frankenstein wants nothing to do with it, but to his creation, Victor is his everything. He made him; he is his mother, his father, and ultimately his God. Although, to say that Victor is a parent is rather ironic; it’s such an inhumane way of creating a living human being, such a ‘masculine’ form of science cannot work, it’s not naturally correct to deny the feminine act of child birth. Also, Frankenstein never once considered what he would do with the creation once he is alive; therefore, Victor fails as a parent. Frankenstein never educated the creation, and denies loving it. In the absence of love, Frankenstein’s Monster is forced to learn the hard way. The reactions he received drives the creature to realize that appearance and physicality is an important part of the public’s vain judgments. Rejected, uneducated and even nameless, it’s distanced from humanity and branded with such names as ‘wretch’, ‘daemon’, and ‘monster’ in which most of the names are from his creator’s own mouth. Such a gentle soul never had any physical contact with the human race and therefore attaches itself to the De Lacy family. Soon developing new emotions and sensations, he gains pleasure from help the family suffering from poverty. In return, he gains a steady education, Just like a child, and with a child, his knowledge builds off the teaching of Felix De Lacey. An important factor in this is the books he reads; Plutarch’s Lives, Volney’s Ruins of Empire, Goethe’s The Sorrows of Werther and most importantly Milton’s Paradise Lost. All of them represent the idea of romantic thinking in which Mary Shelley was associated. When presenting his arguments, he quotes from one such book: â€Å"I ought to be thy Adam; but I am rather the fallen angel, whom thou drivest from joy for no misdeed† (p. 77-8) He quotes Paradise Lost and relates himself to one character. Satan. Judged by his appearance, the public see him as evil and yet he is a tragic character, isolated from the world. He sees this mirrored in Milton’s Satan. Believing that perhaps the De Lacey family may accept him as a normal person and with that only to fail, was the stimulus to the beginning of his transportation from love to hate. Demonstrated in this novel is that creation isn’t just finished at the beginning of life. Frankenstein gives birth to this child of science, but makes him what he is branded, and ultimately what he is. A monster. By deserting him, he created an isolated and suffering being. With addition to being rejected by any other living person, this makes him a tragic figure. Victor was deeply self-absorbed, never once thinking of the welfare of his creation, but rather how to distance himself further from it. But, when moved by the monster’s happenings, he agrees to make a female partner. But again, he abandons him for his own welfare, and will not complete his companion. After making his creation, he fears making another double of his regret. The creature denies this though, he only wishes for a companion for the rest of his days on earth. Yet roles are reversed in the heart of the novel. In the beginning, power is mostly in Victor’s possession but by the time of meeting, the creature dominates, leading Victor into the wilderness of the mountains.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Investor Proposal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Investor Proposal - Assignment Example The proposal seeks financing for independent feature film budgeting to close to $200. The film ‘American Beauty’ film acts as one of the most desired examples, since the film’s content represent’s actual masterpiece sorted after by viewers. The film reveals some level of relevance based on American life hence keeps the audience entertained through various humorous instances. Since the film is a story on one of the great countries of the world, it will attract and appeal to a wide demographic of consumers from all walks of life, the young and the old alike. Such independent film will be able to provide a means of low cost investment and create high end product with possibility of more than 20% return on investment. This will be achieved through strategic product placement, unique marketing strategies and use of various companies for investment and creation of entertainment product. The nature of the film appears appealing to broad market share within global market. This includes United States market and beyond, hence promoting the product and ultimately providing beautiful returns. The initial stages of the film attracted millions of viewers which provide a good base that cannot e ignored especially when compared to less than twenty five million viewers available for top rated television shows. Our company has highly competent staff enabling provision of sound investment. The staff comprises of both professionals and learners with current techniques, equipments, special effects, and practical experiences. This allows provision of high caliber effects and digital skills giving room for production of high-quality film (Fill). Movie theatres and sports arenas will be utilized in the process of advertising products and services provided by the organization. This will be done before the start of events and also during the commercial breaks. Desk Research Secondary sources will be used for the purposes of refining the objectives and at the s ame time providing base for other stages within the research domain. The desk research will gather required information on the world film trends over the past years. The statistics will be useful source of information indicating the status within the marketplace. There will be need to identify the various film companies, brand names and at the same time reveal any important information on the various competing companies. Objectives The main objective is to examine the overall audience response towards the company’s film within the Global market environment. I. To examine how various audiences respond to the film within domestic settings II. To identify consumer attitude towards the film and other competing brands III. To identify the various promotional platforms which could be used for the purposes of launching new markets Methodology Qualitative Research The objectives will be answered through the application of detailed qualitative information. The research will focus on e xploring and establishing the nature of consumer reactions towards the film and at the same time quantitative research used in establishing the nature of impact of consumer attitude towards movie brand. The research questions and interviews for the quality managers will be based on past quality issues during film production and how they have overcome those problems. Some of the film recalls in the past was based on poor quality of the ready productions and also the wrong

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Clinical Chemistry Case Study , Liver Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Clinical Chemistry , Liver - Case Study Example The only conclusive tests recommended for establishing whether a person is infected with Hepatitis A virus is by obtaining blood sample and then conducting serological tests on the blood sample. The tests include looking for Immunoglobulin M antibody to Hepatitis A virus and Immunoglobulin G antibody for Hepatitis A virus (Palmer, 2004). The laboratory investigations revealed that the levels of urea, creatinine, bilirubin AST and Alk. Phos., above the reference range implying that the patient general had a disease of the liver. Urea and creatinine are usually used to test for liver diseases and higher levels are indicators of renal failure. Bilirubin is usually an indicator of pre-hepatic or post hepatic block depending on the rations while AST and Alk. Phos., are indicators of damage to the biliary tree (Basten, 2010). Biochemical investigations of the liver primarily involves finding out the level of biomolecules found in the liver and the exact position of these biomolecules. Since studies have been able to establish the normal ranges for these biomolecules any ranges outside the normal or when particular biomolecules are found at suspicious sites, then these could indicate liver disease (Sheety, 2009). Urine tests aids in the monitoring of the functioning of the liver and establishing whether the liver is diseased or not. Urine tests also target biomolecules that would otherwise not be found in urine or measures the levels of normal biomolecules found in the urine. An example is the compound Delta Aminolevulinic Acid that is produced from amino acids in the liver. Reduction in the levels of the compound might indicate chronic liver disease. In essence, urine tests target such compounds to establish the condition of the liver at a given time (Schiff,

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Leadership and Communication Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Leadership and Communication - Research Paper Example This research paper is developed utilizing an interplay of factors which shape leadership development. The researcher discusses leadership, that enables people to go beyond the confines of mediocrity and tread into the realm of excellence. In the process, it induces people to define their desires and to pursue them with passion. Ultimately, leadership transforms potential into reality. In any organization, especially in the academe, the influence of leadership in its operations of has evolved from a simple theoretical framework to the complex structure we have today. The development of leadership theories and communication opened a whole spectrum of information which enhanced the interaction and interrelationships among personnel. In conclusion, the researcher states that the ways to solve human resources problems depend on factors that currently influence the workforce. An examination of these factors would assist the leader and decision maker in arriving at the most appropriate sol ution. At NCO Academy, the problem that was discussed and ensued between the administrators and the instructors necessitated a review and assessment of each set of personnel’s position and role in the academe. By realizing that each personnel’s active contribution to organizational goals, the rift between them would be properly addressed. It just requires the keen governance of NCO Academy’s leaders to steer the organization into an efficiently operating academe focused in the achievement of its organizational goals.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Two Approaches to Relieving Poverty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Two Approaches to Relieving Poverty - Essay Example To eliminate poverty Grameen Bank has bought a solution which they call banking for the poor. Grameen Bank is founded by Muhammad Younus who won the Noble Peace prize for his Bank. It is a community development bank which is based on microfinance credits. The idea behind the system of this bank is that the poor people have many skills which are not being utilized. The bank gives small loans without the requirement of collateral. It also accepts deposits and runs many businesses including telephone and fabric business. The most remarkable point about the credit program of this bank is that the majority of the loan takers are women. Grameen Bank has changed the behavior towards women in an orthodox Muslim society where women are subjugated to many social vices. (Younus, 80) In Bangladesh the total women labor force is only 9%. But Grameen Bank is the most successful in engaging women in economic activities. Women participation in Bank's activities is constantly on the rise. If this con tinues to happen the bank will become exclusive for women. There are many success stories of women like Ammajan Amina and sufiya begum who started bamboo business successfully. The Grameen bank model has pro

Friday, October 4, 2019

Individual Business Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Individual Business Report - Essay Example Our Mission: The mission of Lancome male skin care is to offer and supply products and services that will improve the physical appearance of men while maintaining their masculinity, and this promotes appreciation of gender diversity and presentable male appearance in the society. Value proposition Lancome male skin care is in a very competitive market structure that requires great value propositions. In this case, it strives to ensure that the clients enjoy high-end skin care products with affordable prices with a satisfactory feedback. This will boost its client numbers and expand its market base. The Opportunities Lancome male skin care has a lot of advantages that gives it a competitive advantage over similar companies and this entails: †¢ Differentiated skin care products that capture the male client preference diversity †¢ A multi-choice of high-end products and service offer at a significantly cheaper price compared to the competitors hence attracting more clients â⠂¬ ¢ Ability to meet immediate demand of customers on products supply and service delivery †¢ Easily approachable services that are reliable and meets the desires of the clients. Target Market The typical consumers of Lancome male skin care include: †¢ Urban male dwellers most of whom are average earners or are elite socioeconomic groups †¢ Clients with middle class annual income estimated at more than $ 50,000/year †¢ Most of the customers love their body appearance and skin texture †¢ Most of the clients show interest in fashionable so that they can gain confidence, feel relaxed, attractive and maintain masculinity. †¢ Most of the customers targeted are male life-longing men in the age bracket ranging from 15-35 years age group. These individuals are still at the heights of seeking appearance Clients’ needs that the firm seeks to meet include; †¢ Provisional of services that will make the clients show their sensitivity to fashion and their personalities at home †¢ Provision of products that will be consistent with the fashion and standard quality as per the client’s taste †¢ Ensure that the prices of the services and products are affordable †¢ Offer more services under same product package at a fairly cheap price as this will substantially save the consumers their money. The Marketing Mix The concept of marketing in this case is vital for the survival of Lancome male skin care. The first approach is to analyze the feature of the products so that potential customers and the existing ones can be made aware of the wide variety on offer. These features include: †¢ High quality premium/materials that are modern and fashionable to the customers †¢ Variety of product combinations and selections to the clients †¢ Ultramodern and safety guaranteed skin care products with immediate results Service features This is Lancome male skin care policy recommendation that emphasizing on expansion of the existing services and optimizing satisfaction of the desires of the customers. These include; †¢ Customized products pre-order so that each client attains his desirable features in a product met †¢ Help various clients in other facial lifting products and safety precautions †¢ Offer online transaction and shopping by the clients. †¢

Thursday, October 3, 2019

To what extent does prejudice affect Essay Example for Free

To what extent does prejudice affect Essay Prejudice and Racism are very closely related to each other in our society. To stereotype someone is when we apply a series of traits to them based on one trait that resembles their identity in a particular group. Some examples to stereotyping would be Asians are hardworking and studious, black people steal a lot, and many others. This very closely relates with the definition of prejudice. Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Most of the people who judge people on their particular culture using stereotypes do not actually have an experience of seeing or experiencing that particular stereotype. They are basing it off of knowledge they have received or came across from other people. Very few actually have experiences of encountering the stereotypical character of a certain group and use their experience to conceive and judge the people of that certain group. We tend to categorize ourselves in different groups whether it is through cultural differences, race differences, or difference in interest. Why do people who have prejudices tend to stereotype? These people tend to divide people into different categories of â€Å"them†. They classify these people as different. Although grouping ourselves is a nature of human kind, groups of different goals, interest, race or culture tend to prejudice using stereotypes of other groups. Is it impossible for us to reduce social prejudice? Prejudice and stereotyping will always exist in parallel with these things. Instead of trying to totally get rid of prejudice and stereotyping, it is more progressive and effective to try reducing it. Given that our world is diverse and multi ethnic, it is important to understand ways to reduce social prejudice. An approach about prejudice was made by Sherif in 1966 who believed that prejudice arises out of conflict between two groups however they do not automatically lead to prejudice, but depends on the situation and relationship involved among the groups. Sheriff also claimed that prejudice can be often seen when two groups want to achieve the same goal but only one can have it, causing them to be hostile and abusive against each other. This is the Realistic Conflict Theory. Sherif conducted a study to prove this theory and this was know as the ‘Robber’s Cave’ Study. This accurately displayed how competition and conflict between two groups can cause negative stereotyping and aggressive manners towards the out-group. Another example of Sheriff’s claim would be the study done by Dollard (1938) who found out that prejudice against German immigrant increased slowly in the US towns, as jobs were harder to get. This research study proves Sherif’s claim of prejudice being built on depending on the situation and relationship between the two groups. In this case the Germans and U. S citizens had a sense of competition over jobs, leading them to have a rivalry relationship and ultimately causing prejudice against each other. ( AS Psychology). Agreeing, but also opposing to this Tajfel (1971) argued that competition is not a likely condition for group-to-group conflict. He does not completely disagree about competition being one of the reasons for prejudice among groups, but more strongly argues that the existence of an opposing group itself produces prejudice among the groups. He also argued that in-group favoritism was present in groups and called all of these behaviors the Social Identity Theory. An example of favoritism explained in the Social Identity Theory is that two opposing groups, Man U and Liverpool would more likely help people wearing the same color uniforms if they are injured – Levine et al (2005). ( AS Psychology) In the 1950’s, American psychologist Gordon Willard Allport introduced the Intergroup-contact hypothesis. The intergroup –Contact Hypothesis considered of one having the opportunity to communicate with others. Through this communication they are able to understand and appreciate different points of views involving their way of life. Alport thought that issues of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination commonly occur between rival groups. Alport’s proposal was that properly managed contact between the groups should reduce these problems and lead to better interactions. (Psychology Today) In Robert S. Feldman’s Social Psychology, the book states that prejudice will reduce only under certain conditions. Decades of research by psychologists lead to the discovery of three conditions. The contact needs to occur between people of relatively equal status, the contact must be close and personal; goals that they are seeking must be common goals. Through frequent contact of each other in a relationship where the status is equal, prejudice can be reduced in certain ways. Personal relationships are another key of reducing prejudice in society. By forming personal relationships, people can find out that some of the prejudices and stereotypes they had of a certain group may not be true. But this condition may vary for the opponent may have the stereotypical characteristics of that certain group. Lastly prejudice can be reduced through seeking common goals. As a community, once a goal is set and achieved, the achievements are shared among those inside the community. This develops a form of bonding and grouping within the group as well, making it questionable if this is a true way of getting rid of prejudice and stereotyping since it is creating a new social identity. (Jiskha) In January 3, 2011, a more recent research on how to overcome prejudices was announced by Rodolfo Mendoza- Denton from the University of California, Berkley. Although many of Rodolfo’s ideas were similar to that of the solutions mentioned in Robert S. Feldman’s Social Psycygology, there were some significant concepts that Rodolfo had found out. One of his concepts consists of the common in-group identity model, which shows that humans are able to recategorize themselves according to interests, features, or characteristics that they share. Once they have recategorized themselves, they are more tightly bonded and understand each other within the people inside the group even though they might have been people from two different groups that once were prejudice and hostile to each other. Another major difference from Rodolfo’s solution and Feldman’s solution is that Rodolfo claims that the behavior of humans in a neutral state is critical in the effect of prejudice towards each other. To reduce prejudice among groups, Rodolfo suggested that approaching other groups in a different manner will greatly affect the presence of prejudice in two opposing groups. If approached in a manner of trying to get along, it is hard for prejudice to happen in the contact of the two groups. But by raising awareness of the stereotypes and having a negative view of the opposing group from the beginning, prejudice and stereotyping is likely to be present in this situation. (Greater Good) Work Cited (Psychology Today) Chen Ph. D, Lisa. The Psychology of Prejudice and Racism. Psychology Today . Sussex Publishers, LLC, 24 Jan. 2011. Web. 29 Oct. 2013. http://www. psychologytoday. com/blog/handy-psychology-answers/201101/the-psychology-prejudice-and-racism. (Jiskha) David A. Gershaw, Ph. D. Homework Help: Social Studies: Psychology: Reducing Prejudice. Jiskha Homework Help. David A. Gershaw, Ph. D. , n. d. Web. 29 Oct. 2013. ( AS Psychology) GROSS, R. (1999) Key Studies in Psychology, 3rd Edition. London: Hodder and Stoughton BANYARD, P. AND GRAYSON, A. (2000) Introducing Psychological Research; Seventy Studies that Shape Psychology, 2nd Edition. London: Macmillan (Greater Good) Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton. Greater Good. The Top 10 Strategies for Reducing Prejudice. University of California Berkeley, 3 Jan. 2011. Web. 29 Oct. 2013.